City of Santa Rosa
Environmental Review Management and MND
M-Group was obtained to perform environmental review for a proposed CarMax site in the City of Santa Rosa. The 7.15-acre site was historically associated with automotive uses and was contaminated through the leakage of on-site USTs and presence of drums containing hazardous waste.
The site had undergone remediation that included the introduction of monitoring wells and an extraction well, which at the time of environmental review, were still on site but planned for removal.
M-Group performed a Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessment that indicated that no further remediation was necessary. A focused Asbestos and Lead report was performed for the on-site buildings that indicated the presence of ACBMs and Lead Based Paint.
M-Group thoroughly evaluated all technical reports, conducted analysis as part of the IS/MND, and developed practical mitigation measures to ensure all potential impacts were reduced to levels below significance. M-Group successfully prepared the MND in the accelerated timeline, allowing the project to remain on schedule.