City of Santa Rosa
38 degrees north Environmental Review
M-Group provided environmental review services to the City of Santa Rosa, including the development of technical studies, peer review of applicant prepared studies, preparation of an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), and submittal of documents to the State Clearinghouse for distribution to public agencies. Services also included identifying and resolving issues of concern, managing a team of technical specialists, and ongoing coordination with the project team.
The project consists of the development of 172 residential apartments, a 2.54-acre open space preserve, and reservation of a 1.04-acre site for the future development of an approximately 21,000-square-foot community shopping center on an approximately 10.9-acre parcel located at 2660 Petaluma Hill Road in the City of Santa Rosa. The open space preserve, located in in the center portion of the site, contains seasonal wetlands and an ephemeral creek, and separates the site into north and south development areas. A pedestrian crossing over the creek would provide connectivity between the north and southern portions of the site.