City of Petaluma
EIR Management
M-Group staff, working as the current planning function in the City of Petaluma, managed the environmental review of the Riverfront Mixed Use Project. The project is situated on an expanse of vacant land north of the Petaluma River adjacent to Highway 101. The 39-acre tentative subdivision map and rezone included developing 237 residential units, 60,000 square feet of office, 30,000 square feet of retail, a 120-room hotel, and a 3.5-acre recreational park.
M-Group staff coordinated with technical experts to establish baseline conditions and determine potential environmental impacts. A DEIR was prepared that identified project impacts and mitigation measures for Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Hydrology and Water Quality, Geology and Soils, Noise, and Traffic. The FEIR was released for public review in June 2014 and the project garnered approval from the Petaluma City Council in July 2014.