CITY OF palo alto
777 welch medical office building initial study
M-Group drafted Initial Study leading to Mitigated Negative Declaration for the 777 Welch Medical Office Building project. The project included the phased development of a new office building on a 1.6 acre site. The project proposed a two-phased development of the site, including the grading and demolition of existing one-story office buildings to accommodate the construction during Phase I of a three-story 11,550 square foot building. Once existing tenants moved from the remaining on-site buildings to the new building, Phase II would commence. During Phase II, the project proposed to construct a three-story 17,200 square foot building. The two buildings would connect to form one single 28,750 square foot building.
Following, the City’s CEQA thresholds, analysis concluded that mitigation measures were necessary to implement the project, specifically relating to hazards & hazardous materials and cultural resources. Coordination with staff and the applicant ensured that the project description and mitigation measures were accurate and agreed upon.