Olivia is an experienced environmental and land use planner, who demonstrates strong attention to detail, excellent organization, and communication skills. Since 2010 she has been providing jurisdictions with assistance in fulfilling lead agency obligations under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Olivia is M-Group’s Principal overseeing the firm’s environmental services.
Olivia has over 16 years of experience as a CEQA practitioner, project manager, and has extensive experience working on site specific development review, long range planning efforts, and infrastructure projects. She is familiar with the development of Specific Plans and General Plans and corresponding programmatic level environmental review. Olivia has authored numerous environmental documents ranging from exemptions to Environmental Impact Reports (EIR). Her project experience includes mixed-use development, residential, institutional, commercial/retail, office, and industry. She has conducted environmental review for infrastructure projects, creek maintenance, hillside development, density bonus, and Cannabis regulation.
Olivia works collaboratively with the community, technical experts, and regulatory agencies. She is adept at identifying regulatory requirements and guiding project design towards compliance. Her ability to communicate with a diverse group of stakeholders including public agencies, staff, commissioners, and board, committee, council, and community members contributes to the success of a project. Central to her approach for environmental review is full disclosure of potential impacts and identification of design solutions to avoid or minimize adverse environmental impacts. Olivia's motivation comes from her desire to optimize the interface of human activity, economic stability, social equity, and the environment.
Olivia received a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Resource Science from UC Davis in 2006. Her environmental career began in southern California where she worked on a number of projects throughout the Coachella Valley. In 2009 she relocated to the Napa Valley. As a participant in the 26th Napa Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Napa Valley Program (2013) she was part of the team that founded the Napa Valley Give Guide. Olivia enjoys the recreational opportunities available in northern California from the coast to the Sierra.
Office: North Bay