Heather Gurewitz, AICP
SENIOR Planner
Heather Gurewitz is an accomplished AICP planner with a wide range of experience in planning, cartography, and community-based economic development. She holds a master’s degree in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Oregon and specializes in rural community economic development. Heather has 20 years of experience in public and non-profit service and is a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Honduras, 04-06) and former AmeriCorps Volunteer.
Prior to joining M-Group, Heather served as the Associate Planner for the City of Fort Bragg where she worked on Coastal Development Permits, Conditional Use Permits, cannabis policy, and regulations for Accessory Dwelling Units. She recently obtained a Certificate from the University of California, San Diego Extension in the California Environmental Quality Act.
Outdoors Heather enjoys kayaking, biking, wild mushroom and berry hunting, and tending her garden. Indoors, she is an avid baker and loves to cook. Heather is bilingual, speaking English and Spanish.
Office: North Bay