Sidewalk entrance to City Hall, a white building with dark framed alcove to entrance. United States and California flags flying.

City of Half Moon Bay

Current Planning Services

M-Group has provided current and advanced planning staffing services for the City of Half Moon Bay’s planning department since 2007. As an extension of full time City Planning staff, M-Group has been instrumental in developing administrative procedures and “how to” manuals for improving a wide range of customer services enabling the efficient and transparent delivery of various planning services.

M-Group staff is also coordinating the update and certification process for various General Plan, Housing Element and Local Coastal Plan amendments through the California Coastal Commission certification process. For example, M-Group staff assisted in coordinating the update to the General Plan Circulation Element, and securing critical Coastal Development Permits and Environmental Documentation for routine maintenance of the City’s drainage facilities. M-Group staff was also a key factor in completing the backlog of Local Coastal Plan amendments that had been in review at the California Coastal Commission dating back to 2010 through 2013.