City of Foster City
EIR Management and Climate Action Plan
For the Chess/Hatch project, located at the base of the Dumbarton Bridge, M-Group processed an application to redevelop 12 acres of low-scale industrial buildings with up to 800,000 square feet of offices in three buildings, up to 10 stories in height above four levels of parking. The application involved General Plan amendments, rezoning, a Master Plan, a Development Agreement, and an EIR. M-Group managed the selection of the EIR consultant, oversaw preparation of the EIR, managed community outreach and document preparation, and processed the entitlements for this highly visible project in Foster City.
In addition to performing CEQA work for Foster City, M-Group collaborated in an effort to draft a Climate Action Plan for the City. As Foster City is situated at near sea-level, the adverse effects of climate change pose a potential threat to the welfare of the City, justifying the need for a comprehensive Climate Action Plan. The plan describes the effects of climate change on the City and introduces measures with the intent to mitigate potential impacts. The Climate Action Plan also describes current GHG emission levels and compares un-mitigated projections with reduction targets.