principal Planner

Darryl has a strong background in public sector city and regional planning, including over forty years of experience as a planning professional in California, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. Since 1984, he has worked for and consulted with the South Bay cities of San Jose, Gilroy,  Morgan Hill, and Milpitas, and the County of San Benito. His planning portfolio includes both long-range and current land use planning projects with an emphasis on development and environmental review project management, land use policy formulation and implementation, and collaborative planning processes. Darryl has also worked extensively with neighborhood and community groups to help them navigate and participate in the planning process.

Darryl spent twenty-seven years with the City of San Jose’s Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement, earning increased responsibility. He managed multiple development and environmental review teams as a Principal Planner, administrated the Planning Commission and Historic Landmarks Commission, and was also the Director’s Hearing Officer. His planning policy development experience includes the Coyote Valley Specific Plan Team and the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan.

As a Principal Planner with M-Group since 2012, Darryl has worked as a consulting planner for the Cities of Morgan Hill, San José, Redwood City, and Milpitas, and the County of San Benito. He has processed various general plan and code amendments, rezonings, development permits, subdivisions, and environmental impact reports for several large residential and commercial projects and specific plans. Darryl has also done airport, parks, and solid waste planning projects.

Darryl earned a Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies with concentrations in Economics and Political Science from the University of Nebraska. He has completed the Green Building Professional Certificate and Organizational Development certificate programs.

Darryl is currently a Board Member for the Land Trust of Santa Clara Valley and is the chair of the Governance Committee. He is spearheading a strategic planning process for the next ten years and updating the bylaws. He was previously a multi-year board member, serving as treasurer and secretary for the Preservation Action Council in San José.

Office: South Bay

