CITY OF Sunnyvale
El Camino Real corridor Specific plan and EIR
2023 APA California Northern Section AWARD OF MERIT - Comprehensive Plan, Large Jurisdiction, El Camino Real Specific Plan
M-Group led a team of consultants and community stakeholders to prepare a Specific Plan for the El Camino Real corridor in Sunnyvale. The plan will increase the economic vitality of the city while refocusing land use goals and transportation priorities along the corridor to support mixed-use development and enhance pedestrian, bicycle, and transit mobility. Policies and development standards will implement a “node and segment” strategy along the nearly four-mile-long corridor, building on historical development patterns and transportation nodes, providing +6,900 housing units. The Plan will provide Sunnyvale’s contribution to the Grand Boulevard Initiative, a regional initiative to improve the safety, performance, and aesthetics of El Camino Real through the entire San Francisco Peninsula. The Specific Plan includes objective development standards that provide specifications for strategic components of the public realm to ensure that policies and design guidance contained in the Specific Plan will be implemented.