City of Sausalito
2022 APA California, Northern Section AWARD OF MERIT - Comprehensive Plan, Small Jurisdiction, Sausalito 2040 General Plan Update
Located just north of the Golden Gate Bridge, Sausalito is a charismatic blend of small town familiarity and major tourism destination.
Transformed by 19th Century railroad activities and a ferry terminal that continues to provide access to San Francisco, it largely remained a small town until the 210-acre Marinship area was transformed into an industrial-scale shipbuilding facility to support the United States’ efforts in World War II.
The 2040 General Plan provides a path for future growth while addressing the challenges of sea level rise, maintaining its unique character, and preservation of its historic Marinship area, home to marine businesses and a rich community of practicing artists.
Two optional elements focus on the city’s waterfront and a commitment to sustainability. Policies bridge the community vision to future issues facing the City: sea level rise, preservation of marine industries, and rehabilitation of the Marinship waterfront area.
Following adoption of the General Plan, the City initiated a Sea Level Rise Task Force and is relying on new policies and programs to shape its Housing Element Update.