Capitol Caltrain Urban Village plan
In November 2022, the City of San Jose contacted M-Group to support ongoing long-range planning efforts for two projects with the Urban Village team, including the Capitol Caltrain Station Urban Village Plan (CCUV). The City’s General Plan, Envision San Jose 2040, establishes the Urban Village concept to create a policy framework to strategically direct most of San Jose’s new job and housing growth to occur within walkable, bike-friendly, and transit-accessible regions within the city, such as the 16-acre CCUV area.
Due to staffing changes at the City in 2022, the CCUV project stalled until M-Group picked it up again in early 2023. At that time, the Plan document, policies, and final graphics, including the Urban Village vision, land use, urban design, open space, circulation and streetscape, and implementation chapters, were still to be authored. M-Group consulted with City and regional agencies including the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services (PRNS), the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority (VTA), Caltrain, and others to draft and revise the Plan document. In addition, M-Group planned and facilitated a community workshop to present the draft Plan in June 2023. Feedback received at the workshop was incorporated into the final Plan.
M-Group prepared, delivered, and presented materials for the San Jose Planning Commission and City Council on November 8, 2023, and November 28, 2023. The Planning Commission unanimously approved CCUV and recommended that City Council consider increased maximum density and commensurate maximum height. City Council unanimously approved CCUV with adoption of the recommendation from Planning Commission.
Approved on a unanimous vote, November 8, 2023.