City of Campbell

6th cycle Housing Element Update

2024 APA California Northern Section AWARD OF EXCELLENCE - City of Campbell 6th Cycle Housing Element

The City of Campbell was awarded the APA California Northern Section’s prestigious Planning Agency Award of Excellence for its innovative approach to completing the General Plan, Housing Element, and Multi-family Design Standards. M-Group is honored that its work in partnership with Campbell on a forward-thinking Housing Element is part of this accomplishment.

With the adoption of new housing laws, the City of Campbell had an urgent need to update its approach to land use and housing. The City needed to plan for approximately 3,000 new homes in the next eight years and did so by incorporating new land use designations and design standards to give the City some of the most expansive multi-family development and design standards in the state. The City’s final housing element planned for over 6,000 new homes, concentrated along transit and focusing on expanding walkable neighborhoods along existing assets.

M-Group and City of Campbell staff worked together in a vigorous community outreach and engagement process to hear the housing challenges and opportunities of the community. This effort included focus group meetings, community meetings, city-wide mailings, surveys, email notices, a project website, and project booths through Downtown Campbell. For the site identification process, M-Group developed a series of “asset maps” that showed how potential sites scored in terms of access to transit, parks and open space, commercial areas, and other qualitative and quantitative assessments. These maps were discussed at public meetings, where groups of sites were identified for future planning efforts.

M-Group facilitated the collaboration of industry-leading consultants De Novo Planning Group, Opticos Design, and Karen Warner & Associates to deliver a Housing Element that will guide the future evolution of Campbell. The City of Campbell became the first in Santa Clara County to have an adopted HCD-certified Housing Element!