principal Planner

Andrew is an Urban Planner experienced in crafting strategic policy directions for community revitalization, sustainability, and healthy community planning efforts. Specific interests include constructing collaborative, participatory planning efforts that drive the development of innovative, highly relevant, implementable plans.

As a Community Planner with The University of Memphis, Andrew was involved in developing the University District Initiative—a multi-stakeholder, university-community partnership employing an anchor institution approach to community revitalization. Andrew also served as the Urban Land Institute Memphis District Council Coordinator (2008-2012). While managing all programming, membership, and fundraising activities for this professional association, Andrew conceptualized and launched ULI Memphis initiatives where it served as a neutral convener of multi-sector, multi-stakeholder collaborative efforts to mobilize resources for collaborative action such as the Mid-South Greenways Alliance and Memphis Complete Streets Project.

In 2016, Andrew transitioned to the public sector and began working for the Planning Division of the City of Santa Rosa, CA. There, he gained expertise in advancing local public agency resiliency and adaptability abilities as the City responded to a series of unprecedented wildfire impacts and the COVID pandemic. In addition to his Planning review and management roles, Andrew served as the City’s Zoning Administrator.

Guiding Andrew’s professional work is his commitment to being creative, innovative, inclusive, responsive, and enduring in all aspects of his Planning work. As a process-oriented and results-driven Planner, he views the complex issues faced today when planning and developing sustainable, thriving communities as in need of equally complex solutions. He believes that as Planners, we should seek to be adept at creating the needed partnerships and opportunities for participation that generate optimal solutions driven by valued, proven Planning principles and the vision and goals of the communities in which we practice.

Office: North Bay

